Can games like Angry Birds or Monopoly provide inspiration for customer loyalty programs? You bet. Barry Kirk and Bill Hennessy recently led attendees of a San Francisco conference on gamification in an innovative workshop. It encouraged attendees to think like game designers when creating customer loyalty programs. Their approach is based on research in behavioral science that debunks what we’ve been thinking all along. See for yourself how the workshop helped attendees tap into their creativity.
We typically conduct persuasive design labs for our clients with a specific need. This is the first time we’ve led a workshop at a conference for a more general audience. Interested in hearing more from Bill and Barry? Listen to a podcast below taped during GSummit. Thanks Clark Buckner with TechnologyAdvice. (Be sure to check out their online tech conference calendar for more events like Gsummit!)
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Barry Kirk, Clark Buckner and Bill Hennessy at GSummit.
The post Be a Game Designer appeared first on Maritz Motivation Solutions Blog.